strategic design & innovation


Three Lenses to Understand and Demystify Innovation

culture & capability value creation

Three Lenses to Understand and Demystify Innovation

Innovation is a word in very broad usage, but it can be hard to pin down exactly what people mean when talking about it. When organisations don’t have a common language to talk about innovation, inevitably there are misunderstandings about goals, expectations and outcomes. Three lenses can help to demystify innovation 

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ChatGPT, Generative AI and the need for Human Critical Thinking

data intelligence digital & 4IR technologies strategic foresight

ChatGPT, Generative AI and the need for Human Critical Thinking

ChatGPT appears magical. It's certainly not infallible but it knows some of its limitations. The underlying technology will undoubtedly prove truly disruptive. Critical thinking, verification and editing will be ever more essential human skills to hone at the start of this new collaborative journey alongside AI.

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The Transformational Potential of AI for Strategic Foresight

data intelligence digital & 4IR technologies strategic foresight

The Transformational Potential of AI for Strategic Foresight

In the near future, humans will still retain their superiority for sensemaking, generating insight and critical thinking around the priorities. But with ever expanding neural networks, AI will surely advance over the longer term in its ability to curate the trends, connect the dots, and perhaps uncover new innovation opportunity spaces.

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Creativity and Innovation: Keys to Unlocking a Better Future

culture & capability human experience shared value & ecosystems

Creativity and Innovation: Keys to Unlocking a Better Future

Einstein famously said that today’s problems cannot be solved with the same level of thinking that created them, and history suggests he was right. Solving societal challenges through the centuries has typically relied on break-through technologies and break-out thinking. It has relied on imagining, or re-imagining, the world and then making that re-imagined world real. On creativity and innovation.

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Design Leadership for a Sustainable Future

design insight human experience shared value & ecosystems

Design Leadership for a Sustainable Future

Design leadership illuminates pathways to a sustainable future. Extraordinary complexity calls for critical, holistic and systemic strategic thinking; the reframing of challenges as opportunities; and a systematic exploration of generating and exploring possible solutions. This is what designers are trained to do.

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